🤼 Friendship Day

Friendship Day is a day to nurture relationships, new and old. It's a really easy and fun day to celebrate.

💁‍♀️ National Girlfriends Day

Some people may say this special day is not needed, as a girlfriend should be treated nicely, and in a special way, every day of the year. 

🙏 World Forgiveness Day

International Forgiveness Day is held on the first Sunday of August. It is a time to forgive and to be forgiven. 

🧗 National Mountain Climbing Day

Everyone should climb a mountain at least once in their lives. It is an exhilarating experience, with a  huge reward at the peak… a big sense of accomplishment for reaching new heights.

🍒 National Raspberry Cream Pie Day

Raspberries are one of the gems of summer. Sweet and tasty, it is loved by millions of people (and birds, too!)

👧 Sister's Day

This holiday is always held on the first Sunday in August. Sisters are truly special and unique. Sure, we may argue and fight. But, when it comes right down to it, sisters are the best, the very best.


🍦 National Ice Cream Sandwich Day

National Ice Cream Sandwich Day is a time to enjoy a cold ice cream sandwich.


🥜 Grab Some Nuts Day

Grab Some Nuts Day is today. One could call this a truly nutty day for several reasons.

🍉 National Watermelon Day

Summer is the time to consume watermelons in large quantities. They ripen in the field in July and August, and even earlier in some southern states.


🍪 National Chocolate Chip Cookie Day

To celebrate this day, bakeries and grocery stores often offer a free chocolate chip cookie to patrons. Some offer discounts on purchase of the cookies.

🌊 U.S. Coast Guard Day

Celebrate U.S. Coast Guard Day by learning more about the responsibilities and functions of the U.S. Coast Guard. 


🩲 National Underwear Day

National Underwear Day is today. Put on a clean bra and panties, tighty whities or boxers, and go out to celebrate this very special and unique day.

🦪 National Oyster Day

Today is a pearl of a day. What a perfect day to learn about this delicious mollusk, and to enjoy an oyster recipe, or two, or three, or......

💼 Work Like a Dog Day

Today is a day to show appreciation for those who carry more than their load, and work like a dog. You can also honor them by working like a dog today.


🌬️ National Fresh Breath Day

Today is like a day of fresh air, as it is National Fresh Breath Day. No halitosis (bad breath) here.

👣 Wiggle Your Toes Day

Wiggle Your Toes Day encourages you to give your little piggy toes some exercise.


🔥 Campfire Day and Night

The first Saturday in August is forever proclaimed to be Campfire Day and Night! A campfire can and should be enjoyed any time, any day or night.

🤡 International Clown Week and National Clown Day

International Clown Week: always August 1 - 7.

National Clown Day: Saturday of International Clown Week.

🍺 International Beer Day

International Beer Day is a day to celebrate and savor the world's most popular alcoholic beverage. Raise a glass of beer today to toast both breweries and bartenders.

🥴 International Hangover Day

It only makes sense that International Hangover Day is the day after International Beer Day.

⛯ National Lighthouse Day

National Lighthouse Day honors and commemorates a beacon of light that symbolizes safety and security for boats at sea.

🥯 National Mustard Day

Mustard is a must have for hot dogs, sausages, and a wide range of sandwiches. It's an important ingredient in many recipes, too.

🗣️ Professional Public Speakers Day

Today is Professional Public Speakers Day, a day to recognize the importance of those who stand up in front of us and share their knowledge and insight on an endless range of topics.


🐱 International Cat Day

This is a truly international day, as it is celebrated in most countries around the world. It is a special day to celebrate domestic cats of all kinds.

🏐 Summer Olympics Games

Once every four years, the world's top athletes meet, to compete in the games of  the Summer Olympics. It is officially called the Games of the XXXII Olympiad. Also see the Winter Olympics.

🥒 Sneak Some Zucchini Onto Your Neighbor's Porch Day

Sneak Some Zucchini Onto Your Neighbor's Porch Day . Now that's nasty! But hey, what are you going to do with an endless supply of zucchini fruit?

👩‍👩‍👦 National Middle Child's Day

Middle Child's Day, or Middle Children's Day,  gives a little well deserved recognition to the  wonderful and special middle child in the family.


📚 Book Lovers Day

Book Lovers Day encourages you to find a place in the shade to relax with a good book.


🦥 Lazy Day

Lazy Day is your chance to goof off, and definitely not work. And, it definitely comes at a good time. Hot, muggy weather makes it easy to kick back and be lazy for a day.

🍢 National S'mores Day

Sticky and gooey, and loaded with sugar and carbs, S'mores are nothing short of delicious. S'mores are a favorite campsite treat for young and old kids.


😜 Presidential Joke Day

Many people believe this is a day to make jokes about the president. On the contrary, this day is for presidents to make a joke. On this day in 1984, President Ronald Reagan made a doozie.

👨‍👧 Son and Daughter Day

Son and Daughter Day is a day to spend with your children. After all, your son and daughter are the joy of your life. 


🌠 Perseid Meteor Shower

The date varies. The annual Persied Meteor Shower is visible, weather permitting, from mid 

July through late August. The peak is usually between August 9 - 14.

🐘 World Elephant Day

According to the creator and sponsors of this special holiday, the goal of this day is to raise awareness of the plight of the shrinking populations of African and Asian elephants.


👈 Blame Someone Else Day

On this day you don't have to take responsibility, or the blame, for any faux pas on your part. On the downside, this day comes as a double edged sword. While you are busy putting the blame elsewhere, someone might just be putting the blame on you!

1️⃣3️⃣ Friday the 13th

Friday the 13th occurs from  one to three times a year. Bad luck is associated with Friday the 13th. This allows those of us who are superstitious, to bury our heads in the sand for the day.

✋ International Left Hander's Day 2021

Left Handers, also commonly referred to as Southpaws, are the brunt of more than their share of jokes all year long.

🧃 National Kool-Aid Day

It gives millions of us a chance to reminisce back to the days of our childhood, and remember just how much we enjoyed Koo-Aid on a hot summer day.


🍡 National Creamsicle Day

This is one of several chilly ice cream and frozen snack days to enjoy on a hot, sticky August day. 

💣 VJ Day

VJ Day marks the end of WWII, and the cessation of fighting against Japan. It is called "Victory In Japan Day or "Victory Over Japan Day".

August 14 - Japan surrenders

August 15 - Surrender announced to the world

September 2 - Ceremony and formal signing of surrender


⛱️ Relaxation Day

Relaxation Day is a day to kick back and do nothing. Ahhhh! What a great day.


🤣 National Tell a Joke Day

We are not kidding. Tell an Old Joke Day and  National Tell a Joke Day are real laughers. We hope your day is filled with chuckles and laughs.


🤑 National Thriftshop Day

A  "Thrift Shop" is an old term for stores that sell items deeply discounted merchandise. It's not always the highest quality, but the price is right.


📜 Bad Poetry Day

According to, the creators of this day, the intention is to gather a group of old high school friends, and write some really bad poetry together. 


🛩️ National Aviation Day

It's heavier than air, and it flies! National Aviation Day honors the accomplishments of Orville and Wilbur Wright. It is sometimes called Wright Brother's Day.

🥔 National Potato Day

National Potato Day is a day to celebrate and enjoy a few potatoes. The versatile spud can be enjoyed in some way for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and as a snack.


📻 National Radio Day

The invention of the radio dates back to the late 1800s. A number of inventors played a role in creating this important medium.

🦟 World Mosquito Day

It commemorates the day when the relationship between mosquitoes and malaria was identified. Malaria is an infectious disease caused by parasitic protozoans.


🐝 National Honey Bee Day

Let's celebrate and show our appreciation for the hard working Honey Bee, who works so hard to produce the liquid sugary treat, that is loved so much by bees and humans.

👵 National Senior Citizens Day

National Senior Citizens Day honors our elderly population. On this day, we are encouraged to recognize and show appreciation for the value and  contribution of elderly people to home, family and society.


👼 Be an Angel Day

Be an Angel Day encourages us to do acts of kindness, and to help others. Jayne Howard Feldman, the creator of this day, says she was inspired by angels to create this day on August 22.

🧚 National Tooth Fairy Day

National Tooth Fairy Day celebrates one of childhood's favorite visitors. The Tooth Fairy is an American tradition with European and superstitious roots.


🥘 Iconic American Restaurants Day

Today is Iconic American Restaurants Day. It celebrates the many great restaurants in this country, and the outstanding staff that works hard to make your dining experience pleasurable.


💞 Kiss and Make Up Day

Kiss and Make Up Day is a great way to end a spat. Everyone has an argument, a fight, or a tiff once in a while. Family, friends, lovers, no one escapes without an occasional fight. Today is a day to end the fight, kiss, and make up. 

🍨 National Banana Split Day

On August 25, 1904, the banana spilt was first created in the small town of Latrobe, Pennsylvania. David Strickler, a 23 year old pharmacist apprentice was working in the soda fountain section of the Tassel Pharmacy at 805 Ligonier Street.


🐕 National Dog Day

National Dog Day has two goals: to honor dogs, and to rescue dogs from homelessness and abuse. It's an opportunity for us to recognize and appreciate the value and importance of dogs in our lives.

👭 Women's Equality Day

Women's Equality Day commemorates the 19th Amendment to the Constitution, granting women the right to vote.


🤷‍♂️ Just Because Day

Today is Just Because Day. Finally, you have a chance to do something without a rhyme or reason. Most often in life, we do things because we have to, or we want to, or it's expected of us. None of those reasons apply today. 


🖱️ Race Your Mouse Day

The folks at, who created this day, want you to race your mouse around the icons on your screen. They suggest you do so while waiting for "whatever it is you're waiting for to come up on the screen".

💚 Stuffed Green Bell Peppers Day

On Stuffed Green Bell Peppers Day, make plans to have stuffed peppers for lunch and/or dinner. If you enjoy cooking, then this can be a really fun day.

🏵️ World Daffodil Day

Daffodil Days are held on a wide range of dates at the world, national, and local level. There is definitely no consensus on a common date. And that's okay, as the goals are the same.


🦇 International Bat Night

International Bat Night is celebrated as an evening event, as the honoree..... bats, sleep during the daytime and are active at night. If you're going to seek out bats, nighttime is the time to look.

🌿 More Herbs, Less Salt Day

Late August is a very appropriate time to celebrate this special day. The harvest of garden herbs is at a peak. There's nothing better than fresh garden herbs in your favorite recipes. And, we all should have less salt in our diets.


🧟 Frankenstein Day

This day is in honor of author Mary Wollenstone Shelley who was born on August 30,1797. She wrote the book "Frankenstein "in 1818. This day is in honor of her birth.

🍢 National Marshmallow Toasting Day

During eleven out of the  twelve months of the year, we enjoy a wide range of holidays. When we get to August, there is a major shortage of big holidays to celebrate.


🥗 National Eat Outside Day

Summer is almost over, yet you can't get enough of the great outdoors. The sun is bright and warm, the weather is great. National Eat Outside Day couldn't come at a better time. 

🥜🍬 National Trail Mix Day

National Trail Mix Day features a high energy, tasty treat for the trail or snacks. You can buy packages of trail mix at a store. Or, you can make up your own, using the ingredients you like best.


😊 Admit You're Happy Month

👪 Family Fun Month

🌞 Dog Days of Summer - July 3 - August 11

☠️ International Pirate Month

🐟 National Catfish Month

👀 National Eye Exam Month

🏌️‍♂️ National Golf Month

🧺 National Picnic Month

🍑 Peach Month

💖 Romance Awareness Month

💧 Water Quality Month

Weekly Events:

🤡 International Clown Week - always August 1-7

🙂 Week 1 National Simplify your Life Week

😄 Week 2 National Smile Week

🤗 Week 3 Friendship Week

😇 Week 4 Be Kind to Humankind Week
